Taking care of your dog’s teeth is one of the best things you can do for the overall health of your pet. This is especially true as the pet gets older and may develop dental problems. At Sunshine Animal Hospital in Superior, CO, we are here to help you take care of your dog’s teeth and all other health issues. Our veterinarian, Dr. Kristy Kreutzer, will treat any dental issues and can help with your dog’s dental care.
What You Can Do at Home
One important thing to do to take care of your dog’s teeth is to avoid giving him treats that contain sugar. Many healthy dog treats are available that will clean your dog’s teeth and help with dental care. Some treats are good for your dog’s teeth and help with breath odor as well. What you feed your dog will have a lot to do with his dental health. You may also brush your dog’s teeth, which is becoming more popular with dog owners. Look at your dog’s teeth occasionally and come see Dr. Kristy Kerutzer when there are dental issues.
What We Can Do
At Sunshine Animal Hospital we have the latest technology to care for your pet. We can professionally clean your dog’s teeth. Cleaning should be done yearly, or even more often in some cases, depending on the dog and the types of food he eats. Dr. Kreutzer will examine your dog’s teeth during a yearly checkup along with a full evaluation of your pet to ensure he is in optimal health. As your dog gets older some teeth may need to be pulled as they decay. We can perform a tooth extraction or any other type of dental surgery that is needed.
See Us Soon!
If you live in Superior, Broomfield, Louisville, or the surrounding area, contact our veterinarian today to schedule a dental cleaning. Call Sunshine Animal Hospital in Superior, CO, at (303) 499-0199 to schedule an appointment.
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